Can I change a project from fixed cost to cost plus?

In the project set up phase, you can change the Contract Type from fixed cost (default) to cost plus depending on the project.

Once you have expenses in the project, you cannot change the Contract Type on the Project Overview page. We do this to preserve the data in the system as the expense calculations on the reports for Fixed Cost and Cost Plus projects are handled differently.

To resolve this, you have a couple of options:

Option 1: Delete and re-add Expenses

    • Download the transactions to CSV.
    • Then download the receipts/invoices to PDF.
    • Once you’ve done this, you can manually delete all transactions in the expenses tab for this project.
    • Then navigate to the Project Overview tab and set the Contract Type.
    • If you have a lot of transactions, you can send the CSV file to us and specify the project to upload them to and we’ll take care of this for you.
    • One small note: We cannot bulk upload the receipts/invoices to each transaction so you’ll need to do that from the PDF export you’ve done.

Option 2: Copy the Project

    • Create a new project with a similar name to the existing project.
    • If you have an estimate or any change orders, copy these one by one into the new project.
    • Then navigate to the old project:
      • Download the transactions to CSV.
      • Then download the receipts/invoices to PDF.
    • If you have a lot of transactions, you can send the CSV file to us and specify the project to upload them to and we’ll take care of this for you.
    • One small note: We cannot bulk upload the receipts/invoices to each transaction so you’ll need to do that from the PDF export you’ve done.

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